There is an important difference between self-control and self-discipline. In today’s short video, Pam shares the secret to finally possessing self-control, revealing that it all begins with a simple choice we each get to make every day.
Do you like to be in control of things? Wait, is that a resounding “yes” I hear from around the world?!
I think we all want to be in control. We often think that if we can control people, circumstances, or ourselves, it will result in the wonderful outcome of having everything we want. We’re sure that if we’re in control then we are guaranteed a great life - after all, we’re going to make it happen, right? Maybe, like me, you too have realized that this is definitely not the case.
We want to control things so that we'll feel good about ourselves, so that things will go as we want them to, or so that we can be prepared for everything that comes our way with no surprises. But you know, that's just not how God designed us.
God designed us to depend on Him, not our perceived ability to control things.
We must be willing to say, “You know what? I can't figure this out so what does it look like to depend on God?”
The beautiful thing about self-control is the Bible tells us that it’s a fruit of the Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23a (NASB) When I read the list of the fruit of the Spirit, self-control has never seemed to fit with the other characteristics but nonetheless, it's in Scripture.
God tells us that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit.
So, what does that look like lived out? Well first, I must understand who I truly am. My true self is my spirit because that’s where I connect to God, where He resides. The Holy Spirit resides IN me, the Creator of the universe resides IN me! Isn’t that incredible? God, who resides in the true me, in my spirit, wants to be my self-control, and He will do that as long as I allow Him to. When I try to control things my way, God stands back and says, “Okay, go for it!” Now, I think He does try and stop us sometimes, but He always gives us that choice.
We have the choice of self-control but we must not confuse that with self-discipline.
Self-discipline is the thinking that “I have to do this and have to do that,” and performing it all by my set of standards and laws. Self-control is when I’m depending on the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to control my self.
I just love it when that fruit really blossoms in me and I know it will in you too as you rely on Christ in you to guide every step and everything you do as you take your hands off of the control you think you have.
I pray that you’ll give God a chance to show you what this looks like in your life.