Does our performance motivate God to bless us in return? When it comes to the Christian life, do we get what we put in? My friend, you’ve been blessed with an inheritance and, in today’s short video, Scott reveals the scandalous gift you’ve been given by our loving Heavenly Father.
The other day, I was asked a question: In the Christian life, what's the difference between investing and inheriting?
When we invest in anything, whether we’ve put in effort, time or money, the hope is always that we will get something back in return. And there is an aspect of this in the Christian life for us too, which is that we reap what we sow. Scripture tells us, “For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:8 (KJV) But if this is the foundation of your Christian life, there's a problem because this thinking is based on YOU investing YOUR time and YOUR effort.
Some people believe that if they do their ten minutes of quiet time each day then they can expect God to bless them. Or if they give 10% of their financial earnings to God, then He will bless them a hundredfold. But you see, this thinking is all based on your performance motivating God to bless you in return.
An inheritance, however, is not based on our performance. Inheritance is based on your birth; on your relationship with the person giving you the inheritance. We see this in the Christian life - God is our Father and we are His children.
Our inheritance is based on the relationship that we have with the Father.
It's like the story of the prodigal son, where there were, in fact, two prodigal sons. The oldest son believed he was investing and that, based on what he had put in, he should by now have earned the right to share in the fatted calf and to have a party with his friends. Meanwhile, the younger son went and squandered his inheritance, and yet the father received him back.
Inheritance is based on relationship. And Scripture tells us that we have inherited every spiritual blessing that we need, it's all in Christ Jesus! “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 (NASB) Today, you have an inheritance - right now you can receive the blessings and benefits of what you have in Christ.
For example, if you need acceptance today, you can rest, knowing that you already have it. Now, you might squander it, you might not draw upon what you have in Christ, and that could cause you to lose out on that part of your inheritance today, but tomorrow you have a brand new inheritance for that day.
My friend, inheritance is not based on how well you perform; it's based on your relationship with the Father. Inheritance is, in fact, almost scandalous because it’s not based on you, it's based on the Father blessing you with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.