When things don’t work out the way we thought God said they would, it’s easy for us to believe that He’s broken His promises to us. In today’s short video, Pam reminds us that God always keeps His word and shares exactly what it is that God has promised us.
Promises, promises…
Some people are good at making promises, but not everyone is good at keeping their promises. There have been times in my life that I have failed to keep the promises I’ve made. There are times I’ve make promises without having all the information I needed to make it, times I didn’t know all the details of the situation, and times when I just jumped quickly to a conclusion and said, “Sure, I can do that!” I make promises but sometimes... I just can't; I don't have the ability to carry it out.
We are humans and sometimes we promise things that we just can’t fulfill. But, I know One Person who always keeps His promises, and that’s God.
God always, always keeps His promises.
Now, sometimes we misunderstand what God promises, or we think God promises us that if we do this or that, then He'll do what we want: we’ll get the job we applied for or have the special relationship we’ve been hoping for. But God doesn’t always promise us physical, tangible outcomes - He does sometimes grant them, and certainly, in His Grace and Mercy, He always provides for us.
So, what does God promise us?
God promises us everything for our spiritual and emotional life.
Spiritually, He promises that when we receive Him as our Savior, He will completely forgive us. He makes us a new creation and gives us a new identity. He also gives us a home in Heaven. In fact, it says in Scripture, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:2-3 (NASB) See, what God tells you is true otherwise He wouldn't tell you.
You can know that when God speaks to you through His Word, His promises are TRUE.
God also fulfills His promises to our soul life, in the place of our emotions. God promises us peace, joy, wisdom, and guidance. He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. He promises us that He is with us no matter what, and He always keeps His word.
So, if you’re ever in a situation and you’re thinking, Where's God? I thought He said He would do this? Remember that God didn't say that He would always do something for us but He did say He would always be something to us. He will be your help in times of trouble.
You are not promised a pain-free, trouble-free life but,
God absolutely promises to be with you in whatever you may face while giving you peace, joy and comfort in the middle of it.
On hard days that make you question everything, take out your Bible and read the promises God has made you and give Him a chance to fulfill them.