Living FREE!

I sometimes feel trapped into a life of trying to prove myself and needing validation from others. I want to know that I am on the right track and living up to my potential. Do you ever feel like that?


For many years I lived my life trying to prove myself. I was always defending myself and working hard and taking on the responsibilities of others just to prove (mostly to myself) that I had value. I know first-hand that is bondage. That is not freedom.


But the truth is we all need to be assured of our worth and significance! Sadly we often rely on the opinions of others and our own performance to make that happen. That is too much to put on others and ourselves. We drain other people and we run out of energy when we are in constant need of validation. That is not freedom.


God made us valuable. Our importance is not based on what we do, but who we are. It is not something we can earn and sustain, but it is something to humbly receive and rest in.  This is freedom.


When our question of value has been settled in our own mind, we are free to live life and not constantly try to prove ourselves. Think about it. If you know that your boss, spouse, friend, or God is 100% pleased with you, you can relax and just live in the relationship you have with that person! This is freedom.


Of course, others may not always like what we do. I don’t always like what I do, but that does not determine my value. Receiving my validation from God gives me the head space and energy I need to pursue other interests in life. I don’t have to spend my time trying to figure out how to prove myself all the time. I have the time, security, and option to try new things – and even if I fail, my value is still intact! This is freedom.


I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, I will also help you,
I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Isaiah 41:9b-10