The Bible is full of many rich verses to lead us and guide us in life. They can also be a great source of encouragement when we’re struggling. Today, Michelle shares a Scripture verse that has brought her great comfort in the painful times of life. Find out the words that encourage her to know and believe the love God has for her, and for each of us.
Sometimes when we're facing difficulties in life, there are certain Bible verses that jump out and bring us a lot of comfort. One of those verses for me is in 1 John, “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” 1 John 4:16 (NASB). This verse is impactful because first of all, it tells us,
We need to know about the love of God.
I wonder if you know about His love for you? Have you heard of the amazing gift that Jesus has provided in salvation for you? Maybe you've known that Gospel message, but you haven't stopped to really think about the dynamic of God's agape love - His unconditional love for you. That means there are no strings attached. And once you know it, have you come to believe it? Do you really trust His love for you or are you a little bit skeptical? The second part of this verse talks about abiding in God's love.
There is no safer place to be than abiding in God's love.
So I hope that this verse is impactful for you, that you would know, and believe, God's amazing unconditional love for you, and that you would rest, dwell, and abide in that love.