The beauty we find in nature is a good reminder that God invites us to use all of our senses to experience Him and get to know Him more deeply. In today’s short video, Pam shares about a trip out West and how reading about her destination and experiencing it were two totally different things.
Have you ever planned and planned something, only to find out that the reality of it is much different than you thought? Well, I've done that. I recently returned from a great trip out West, visiting the national parks. Before I went, I read multiple books and spent time looking at maps. I researched websites and I spoke with people. I got information from everyone and I felt like I was ready to go. But then when I got there, it was different...but pleasantly different. It turned out to be greater than I could ever have imagined! From the wildlife to the waterfalls, the sunrises to the sunsets, and the plethora of colors - everything was so big, vast, and majestic. The creation of it all was just awesome!
As I was journaling one day, I realized I just couldn't put into words or take enough pictures to adequately share with others what I was seeing with my own eyes.
There were no words to accurately describe what I was experiencing through my senses.
I mean, I could see things, and smell things, and touch things that I just couldn't describe in words.
Then I realized that it’s a lot like that in our relationship with Christ. We can learn Bible verses, do Bible studies, read books, hear testimonies, and listen to songs... all of which are great opportunities to experience God. But, unless we put ourselves out there for the experience, we're gonna miss something.
Had I not gone on my trip to the West, I wouldn’t have had that opportunity to experience the beauty of creation, the animals, and everything that I saw in my travels. I couldn’t experience it without actually going.
God encourages us to explore Him with our senses.
In the Psalms, we’re encouraged, “O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8 (NASB)
After Jesus rose from the dead, Thomas said, “Unless I touch His scars, I'm not going to believe that Jesus really rose from the dead.” Thomas wanted to experience Jesus for himself. As did the lady who was ill and said, “If I could just touch the hem of His garment, I would be healed.”
In Corinthians, we read of the sweet aroma of Christ.
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14 (NASB)
So on and on we read that Christ encourages us to experience Him with the fullness of everything in us. He really wants us to look to Him and allow Him to speak directly into our hearts. And that beautiful verse that says, “Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10a (NKJV) shows that He wants us to hear His words of wisdom and leadership.
He is the Shepherd and we are His sheep.
And as we hear His voice, we will follow Him. As we experience Him through our senses, our lives are changed and transformed. So I encourage you today to not just plan for things, not just read about God, but to really jump in with open arms to receive all that He has for you.