Meet Pam O’Gwin

My personal mission of working hard to achieve the right Christian life started early on for me. I gave my heart to Jesus as an eight-year-old, and I wanted all God had for me. Through my teens into early adulthood I eagerly looked for ways to please God.

I worked as hard as I could to be the best possible Christian daughter, friend, neighbor, and eventually wife and mother. My husband and I had two wonderful sons, but years of striving (and failing) to achieve ‘success’ as a Christian took their toll.

After years of falling short of my own standards for life, I fell into depression. The pressure to figure things out and live the right life overwhelmed me to the point where my husband and I divorced.

During this time of grief, God showed me that He didn’t want me to work at having an abundant life, He wanted to be my Abundant Life. God began to heal me and teach me how to accept His invitation:

“Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest..come and learn from Me…..and you will find rest for your soul.”

Since those difficult times, I have learned (and am learning!) more of God’s faithfulness, truth and love. This life is a life I could never achieve on my own. He alone is the One who meets my need for love, acceptance, worth, and security. He alone is worthy of praise! Today, years later, I work as a full-time counselor at Grace Ministries International, helping other believers experience fulfilling, fresh relationship with Jesus!

Meet Scott Brittin

Saved at eleven years old, I dedicated my life to serve God at nineteen years of age. Attending Bible college and receiving a Masters degree from seminary prepared me for that service, but not for life. After striving to serve God I realized I was totally inadequate even with my training.

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

It was through understanding my inadequacy in my strength that I began to realize Christ as my life, not just my Savior and Lord. Galatians 2:20 took on a whole new meaning of Christ living through me, giving me a whole new identity and adequacy.

Joining GMI in 1984, I now serve as President. Serving in this capacity, I give oversight and direction to the ministry here in the States and overseas. I have the privilege of serving and leading what I have called “my dream team” staff. In addition to leading GMI, I teach conferences, lead and/or teach internships and do one-on-one discipleship counseling.

It has always been my passion to see the believer grow into the fullness of knowing and experiencing Christ as their all in all. Now my heart goes out to pastors and ministry leaders as they endeavor to lead their ministries.

My wife, Darlene, and I have been married since 1976, have two grown sons and live in Woodstock, GA. My hobbies include basketball, caving and woodworking.