Let’s Talk Codependency - 4 Part Video Series
Do you ever feel like everyone is letting you down while you are trying your best to be there for everyone else? Do you find yourself wanting and longing for the approval of others so that you can be ok? If this describes you, please join us in this series on Codependency. None of us want to think or believe that we are codependent. Codependency is a label that we all want to run from, but the truth is we are probably a little or a lot codependent! We need a response from others in order to feel good about ourselves. Join us as we look at how to be healthy, supportive and interdependent with others instead of holding others responsible for our happiness.
From Guilt to Grace and Shame to Security - 2 Part Video Series
Did you know that living in a guilt and shame – free zone is possible? Yes, we all feel guilt when we have done something wrong and shame when we feel inadequate, but we don’t have to stay in that place and suffer. God has gifted us with an amazing solution. Join us in this 2-Part Series From Guilt to Grace and Shame to Security as we understand and receive God’s freedom for our sin and break free from a life of shameful disappointment.
Forgiveness - 3 Part Video Series
Are you living with a lot of anger that sits and simmers in your mind or maybe you just stay a “little frustrated” for much of the time? If either of those feelings describes you, please join us in our series on forgiveness and discover how to truly “let go” of pain and experience the healing of God. Many of us have “anger issues” that impact our attitude and our relationships, but we don’t really know how to overcome it and just saying the words, “I forgive you” has very little power. Forgiveness is an on-going way of living that can restore your peace and open doors to relationships. When we understand the impact of our own forgiveness that Christ offers us AND the power that forgiving others brings, we can be set free from our misery.
Blessings - 2 Part Video Series
Everyone loves to get a blessing of the tangible kind: a raise, a healthy relationship, good health. However, I wonder if we are missing some of the greater blessings that we can only see with our heart. Blessings like peace, contentment, joy, self-acceptance and love. This series is about recognizing and receiving the powerful intangible blessings that God has given us that bring life and vitality to our everyday life.
Live Intentional - 5 Part Video Series
We all want to live a life that has purpose and meaning, but when we try to figure out what that is and how to do it, we often fall short of our “intention”. If we try to live by a set of intentional standards so that we can experience real, authentic life, we have “the cart before the horse” as they say. Living intentional begins from within. It begins with understanding the real us and living in that place of authenticity. Intentionality is a by-product! Join us for this 5-part series on living real and with purpose in a superficial world.
Parenting with Confidence - 1 Video
Have you ever wished you could parent without regrets? If only! Having kids can be the greatest joy in life, but can also be a major stressor. Have you ever felt that you would try any parenting technique you could if you only knew what the "right thing" was to do? Do you search Scripture to see what God says about parenting only to come up empty handed? Join us as we take a deep dive into this topic, looking at God's Word and His character to understand how we can have confidence in our parenting!